
The X-ray Diffraction Facility at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Florida is among the most modern and productive in the world. Structural analysis of Organic, Inorganic and Organometallic newly synthesized materials is conducted by single crystal X-ray diffraction.
The facility consists of two diffractometers. The first is a Bruker D8 Venture diffractometer with two powerful microfocus Mo (λ=0.71073 Å) and Cu (λ=1.54178 Å) sources and with PHOTON III area detector, installed in 2019. The second is a three circle Bruker SMART system with PHOTON II area detector. It is equipped with Mo sealed tube with Triumph monochromator and Cu microsource. It was installed in 2009 and upgraded in 2019.
The facility is grateful to NSF and UF for funding of the X-ray equipment through grant CHE-1828064.
We collaborate with research groups around campus especially in departments in the medical complex of Shands Hospital and the University of Florida Medical School. Collaborations are also established with external research groups around the country and world. Currently, our collaborations involve U.S. universities, International Universities and industry.