
[jsmol acc=’rajan1′ type=’pdb’ caption=’MCG8 or any caption you like’ commands =’=spacefill 23%;wireframe 0.15; color cpk;’ id=’rajan1′]


PDB Test

var jmolApplet346_1; // set up in HTML table, below // logic is set by indicating order of USE — default is HTML5 var use = “HTML5”; // JAVA HTML5 WEBGL IMAGE are all options var s = document.location.search; // Developers: The _debugCode flag is checked in j2s/core/core.z.js, // and, if TRUE, skips loading the core methods, forcing those // to be read from their individual directories. Set this // true if you want to do some code debugging by inserting // System.out.println, document.title, or alert commands // anywhere in the Java or Jmol code. Jmol._debugCode = (s.indexOf(“debugcode”) >= 0); jmol_isReady = function(applet) { Jmol._getElement(applet, “appletdiv”).style.border=”1px solid blue”; }; // _load_ is replaced in getTemplate() to supply a set of load and default format commands script = ‘set echo top left;echo loading mcg8…;refresh;load /wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/02/mcg8.pdb; spacefill off;wireframe off;cartoons on;color structure;spin off;set echo top center; echo mcg8;’; var Info = { width: 400, height: 400, debug: false, color: “white”, addSelectionOptions: false, serverURL: “/wp-content/plugins/jsmol2wp/php/jsmol.php”, use: “HTML5”, j2sPath: “/wp-content/plugins/jsmol2wp/j2s”, readyFunction: jmol_isReady, script: script, disableInitialConsole: true }; // these are conveniences that mimic behavior of Jmol.js function jmolCheckbox(script1, script0,text,ischecked) {Jmol.jmolCheckbox(jmolApplet346_1,script1, script0, text, ischecked);} function jmolButton(script, text) {Jmol.jmolButton(jmolApplet346_1, script,text);} function jmolHtml(s) { document.write(s); } function jmolBr() { jmolHtml(“
“); } function jmolMenu(a) {Jmol.jmolMenu(jmolApplet346_1, a);}
MCG8 or any caption you like jmolApplet346_1 = Jmol.getApplet(“jmolApplet346_1”, Info);
Jmol._Canvas2D (Jmol) “jmolApplet346_1”[x]
— required by ClazzNode ajax=false async=true
— required by ClazzNode ajax=false async=true
JSmol exec jmolApplet346_0 start applet null
Jmol JavaScript applet jmolApplet346_0__6373431669814811__ initializing
Jmol getValue debug null
Jmol getValue logLevel null
Jmol getValue allowjavascript null
{ “name”:”jmolApplet346_0″,”applet”:true,”documentBase”:”https://xray.//wpprod.chem.ufl.edu/pdb-test/”,”platform”:”J.awtjs2d.Platform”,”fullName”:”jmolApplet346_0__6373431669814811__”,”codePath”:”https:/wp-content/plugins/jsmol2wp/j2s/”,”display”:”jmolApplet346_0_canvas2d”,”signedApplet”:”true”,”appletReadyCallback”:”Jmol._readyCallback”,”statusListener”:”[J.appletjs.Jmol object]”,”syncId”:”6373431669814811″,”bgcolor”:”white” }
setting document base to “https://xray.//wpprod.chem.ufl.edu/pdb-test/”
(C) 2012 Jmol Development
Jmol Version: 14.3.12_2015.01.28 2015-01-28 11:05
java.vendor: Java2Script (HTML5)
java.version: 2014-12-19 08:17:57 (JSmol/j2s)
os.name: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0
Access: ALL
memory: 0.0/0.0
processors available: 1
useCommandThread: false
appletId:jmolApplet346_0 (signed)
— required by ClazzNode ajax=true async=false
Jmol getValue emulate null
defaults = “Jmol”
Jmol getValue boxbgcolor null
Jmol getValue bgcolor white
backgroundColor = “white”
Jmol getValue ANIMFRAMECallback null
Jmol getValue APPLETREADYCallback Jmol._readyCallback
APPLETREADYCallback = “Jmol._readyCallback”
callback set for APPLETREADYCallback Jmol._readyCallback APPLETREADY
Jmol getValue ATOMMOVEDCallback null
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Jmol getValue DRAGDROPCallback null
Jmol getValue ECHOCallback null
Jmol getValue ERRORCallback null
Jmol getValue EVALCallback null
Jmol getValue HOVERCallback null
Jmol getValue LOADSTRUCTCallback null
Jmol getValue MEASURECallback null
Jmol getValue MESSAGECallback null
Jmol getValue MINIMIZATIONCallback null
Jmol getValue SERVICECallback null
Jmol getValue PICKCallback null
Jmol getValue RESIZECallback null
Jmol getValue SCRIPTCallback null
Jmol getValue SYNCCallback null
Jmol getValue STRUCTUREMODIFIEDCallback null
Jmol getValue doTranslate null
Jmol getValue popupMenu null
Jmol getValue script null
Jmol getValue loadInline null
Jmol getValue load null
Jmol applet jmolApplet346_0__6373431669814811__ ready
script 1 started
loading mcg8…
FileManager opening 1 https://xray.//wpprod.chem.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/02/rajan1.pdb
The Resolver thinks Pdb
— required by ClazzNode ajax=true async=false
— required by J.renderbio.BioShapeRenderer ajax=true async=false
— required by J.renderbio.BioShapeRenderer ajax=true async=false
— required by J.renderbio.RocketsRenderer ajax=true async=false
Time for openFile(/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/02/rajan1.pdb): 824 ms
reading 62 atoms
ModelSet: haveSymmetry:false haveUnitcells:false haveFractionalCoord:false
1 model in this collection. Use getProperty “modelInfo” or getProperty “auxiliaryInfo” to inspect them.
Default Van der Waals type for model set to Babel
62 atoms created
ModelSet: not autobonding; use forceAutobond=true to force automatic bond creation
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
FileManager opening 1 https://xray.//wpprod.chem.ufl.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/02/mcg8.pdb
The Resolver thinks Pdb
Time for openFile(/wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/02/mcg8.pdb): 540 ms
reading 230 atoms
ModelSet: haveSymmetry:false haveUnitcells:false haveFractionalCoord:false
1 model in this collection. Use getProperty “modelInfo” or getProperty “auxiliaryInfo” to inspect them.
Default Van der Waals type for model set to Babel
230 atoms created
ModelSet: not autobonding; use forceAutobond=true to force automatic bond creation
Script completed
Jmol script terminated
— required by ClazzNode ajax=true async=false
Jmol.setButtonCss(null,”style=’width:100px'”); jmolButton(“if(_spinning);spin off;spinflag = false;else;spin on;spinflag = true;endif”,”toggle spin”); Jmol.script(jmolApplet346_1,”spacefill 23%;wireframe 0.15; color cpk;”); jmolButton(‘reset;select all;load /wp-content/uploads/sites/20/2015/02/mcg8.pdb; spacefill off;wireframe off;cartoons on;color structure;spin off;set echo top center; echo mcg8;spacefill 23%;wireframe 0.15; color cpk;’,’reset’) jmolBr(); Jmol.setButtonCss(null,”style=’width:100px'”) jmolButton(“color cpk”);jmolButton(“color group”);jmolButton(“color amino”);jmolButton(“color structure”);jmolBr(); jmolButton(“trace only”);jmolButton(“cartoon only”);jmolButton(“backbone only”);jmolButton(“spacefill 23%;wireframe 0.15″,”ball&stick”);
